William just seems to get cuter every day and my camera just can't keep up! Here are a few of his lastest pictures.
William just seems to get cuter every day and my camera just can't keep up! Here are a few of his lastest pictures.
Troy and William took me to Olive Garden for lunch on Mother's Day and gave me a figurine titled "Angel of Mine" with a mother holding a baby. It is very precious and was a nice day. William was in a great mood all day which was very nice, being mother's day and all!
William was very cute this day but would not smile for the camera.
William loves to roll around on the floor now. He can get quite far when he is determined.
Our friend Madison is fun to play with.
William rolled over Tues. April 29th from his back to his tummy. We were playing with him on the floor and he was quite active but getting tired and a tad whiny. So Troy went to the kitchen to load the dishes (what a good husband) and I ran to the bathroom and upon returning- he was on his tummy! We missed it! But that is okay because he performed well rolling 5 or 6 more times. And come to find out, he had rolled over at daycare that day- oh well. It is all very exciting to see him growing and learning new things. However, as kids learns to move more- how do you keep track of them-yikes??