Monday, June 30, 2008

Great-Grandma and Grandpa come to visit!

William's great-grandparents from Minnesota came for a visit! We had a good time visiting with them and showing William off. He is such a good baby!
Well, Hello!
Great-Grandma giving kisses :)


Four generations!

Four generations!

Great-Grandma and Grandpa Anderson

Look who's feeding me!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Abundant in Giggles

William was very tickled one night and was full of giggles, laughter, and even a few snorts.

Little Frog

William has started getting up on his hands and knees. Here he is rocking back and forth and reminds me of leap frog- if he only had someone to leap over, I'm sure he would try.

The Sidewinding Scoot

William is trying so hard to crawl. But for now his sidewinding scoot seems to get him where he wants to go!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Reporting from the flood waters!

I know I am kind of late at posting and updating you all on the flood here in Iowa but give me a break we were in the middle of a flood!! It was crazy here for a week or so with all the predictions and preparations that were being made. Troy's work had to evacuate and close up shop for awhile. They are still in the process of cleaning up and assessing damage. I am blessed to report that our house is high and dry. However, so many people have lost their homes and businesses all over eastern Iowa. It is crazy to be so close to a natural disaster. You see things like this on the news but when it hits close to home, it is totally different. Here are some pictures from Iowa City/ Coralville that we have traveled and visited so many times. Thanks for all you thoughts and prayers and inquiries regarding our safety. The waters are receeding and clean up has begun.

Taco Bell in Coralville
Corner of MormonTrek/1st Ave and Hwy 6 (Coralville Strip)
Coralville Strip
Iowa City- Parkview Evangelical Free Church
Iowa River
Coralville's emergency spillway

Friday, June 20, 2008

We've reached the 6 month mark- Hooray!

It is unbelievable we have only had William in our lives for 6 months. Oh how things have changed! You prepare and get ready for so long and think you have it all figured out and then life as you know it will forever be different! But I am glad to report it is much more exciting and rewarding then one can explain. As many times as I have heard a parent say something similar, I have never really understood until becoming a parent myself. Enough mushy reflection and onto some pictures. William is definitely developing character and his own personality-maybe too much personality for such a little fellow. Enjoy the pics!
Caught red handed!

I want to crawl sooooo bad!

Squash is NOT my favorite!

Look how far I can get- I am almost free from my room!

I love sitting up but still need help!

Piano star appalled by the interruption of photographer.

Just lounging with my big stuffed dog from Great-Grandma Anderson.

Playing in the exersaucer-dad did my hair!