Sunday, October 19, 2008

Josh & Leah come for a Visit

Josh (Angela's brother) and his wife, Leah, came to visit us for the weekend. Activities included a trip to the Amish bakery, shooting Troy's bow (boys only), playing Railroads ALL day Saturday (seriously we started around 10:00 and ended around 4:30 with a few breaks here and there- Leah Won!), watching the Iowa game, a bonfire with Anna & Adam-complete with apple cider, hot dog roast, smore's, caramel apples and more-yum-yum, a birthday party for Josh-Happy 25!, and a special appearance from Uncle Ben. :) We had a lot of fun!


Pictures outside on a beautiful October day in Iowa with the temperature hitting 80 degrees. Aunt Leah and Uncle Josh

Dad, mom & me

Playing in the grass- my favorite

Happy Birthday Josh! The big 25!

Uncle Ben



Amy said...

You forgot to invite Aunt Amy and Uncle Jeff and all the cousins in on the family time! We are offended! JK! :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! We had a great time and I was glad to hear the William survived our babysitting.

blogger8k said...

just how is, "the william"?