We made a trip to Minnesota to visit relatives a few weekends ago and my cousin, Kristie, offered to cut anyone's hair who wanted it cut. So we decided it was time for William to get his first haircut. Poor little guy was pushing it out of his face a lot! So in my grandparent's back yard, she went to work while we entertained William with cups of water and blueberries. He did very well. Kristie did a great job with him moving a lot and I was very glad with the way it turned out.

Curls before haircut

Before he could barely see to drive

Right before haircut-wondering what is going on

Who knew drinking water out of a cup could be so entertaining?

Now pouring water in and out of cups- super fun :)

William only cried when hair got all over his arm and leg- he wanted it off ASAP!

Not even an electric razor could bother a boy with his blueberries.

The back- no more curls!

A few more blueberries to recover from all the trauma.

No more picture-please!

Our little baby isn't so little anymore. What a big boy!