So it has been awhile since I have posted anything. The newest activities around here involve going outside. William loves to go outside. If he gets it in his mind, he walks around the house saying side, walk, shoes, jackie (for jacket) over and over and over. Which is not as bad as standing at the door reaching for the handle whining and close to crying which he tries sometime :). William is getting pretty independent now. He does very well at getting around despite the most uneven surfaces and he loves to feed himself now. It is quite messy at times but it is amazing how things must taste better when spooned into your own mouth by your own hand?!?! William is quite the parrot also. He loves talking and if in the right mood will repeat almost anything. It is very cute to hear such big words come out of his mouth like helicopter, alligator, calculator and so many more. Of course, I think he is so advanced but who doesn't think that about their kids. I guess I should address one more issue- the hair! I know! It IS long! But we have not been able to bring ourselves to cutting it yet. His little curls are so cute! But it is getting close to being time as he has started even pushing it out of his way so he can see. Poor little thing. In the pictures below, William is 16-17 months old. I can't believe how grown up he is getting. Enjoy!
William loves his daddy, it is cute! He loves taking walks outside, swinging and of course still his blankeys.
Playing outside with mommy! He is obsessed with tractors and trucks. He looks for them everywhere we go. He is very much a boy!
Practicing our smile and catching a picture of those curls.
Oh and one last thing William would like you to know (via remote control calling). Read my shirt!
"I am going to be a big brother."
It is official, we are expecting! I am 12 & 1/2 weeks along and due Nov. 29th. Everything is going well and we are very excited.

It is official, we are expecting! I am 12 & 1/2 weeks along and due Nov. 29th. Everything is going well and we are very excited.
Enjoyed the update!
Congrats on the soon to be "baby Wilma"! (I have this feeling its a girl!-so get prepared!)
Just popped over to say "hi" (I bookmarked your blog soon after we became FB friends)...what wonderful news! We, too, are expecting...November 23. Will you be finding out what kind baby is?
And it IS hard to give baby his first haircut...Josiah's curls never grew back. sniff, sniff. I'm so glad we get to keep Laney's for a while (it's so much more acceptable for a girl to have wild curls).
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