Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, as I mentioned near the end of my last entry, sickness had hit the Lyons household. Our last week was filled with the wonders of caring for an infant who was under the weather AND also being under the weather ourselves. Poor little William has been fighting sinus congestion and a cough for about a week now and getting his 4 month shots mid-week did not help. The picture below pretty much sums the week up. Poor little guy.We did however have a few happy moments......
Daddy stayed home with William when he was sick and practiced different hairstyles for him.
William managed to get this burp rag on his head and just let it sit there while playing- I guess he was just getting ready for another coughing/spitting up session and wanted his rag close by :).

I think everyone is starting to get better and hopefully we can get back to sleeping through the night soon! Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Poor baby. But I love the mohawk! Hope you guys feel better soon. -Leah

Amy said...

cute pictures!

Amy said...

Sorry- forgot to write everything in the first comment- that first picture is priceless. I will never forget the times that that was the ONLY position that helped Haley. I don't know what it is about that position-maybe they are so freaked out they can't respond- no matter the reason, it works.

Monica said...

he looks miserable! hopefully everyone is feeling better soon!